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Class 11 Biology

The Living World short notes for last minute revision

Important Points To Remebers Life is defined as a unique complex organisation of molecules, which expresses itself by way of chemical reactions leadi…

Taxonomic Aids - The Living World

Taxonomic Aids All those collections of actual live specimens or preserved specimens, which help in the identification or verification of a species,…

The Living World Part II

Systematics The word systematics is derived from the Latin word ' Systema ', meaning order or sequence.  It is the branch of science that dea…

The Living World

Life can be described as a unique complex organisation of molecules, and expresses itself by way of chemical reactions, which lead to growth, develo…

Biological Classification

Systems Of Classification Earliest Classification was given by Aristotle . Divided plants into herbs, shrubs and trees. Animals into those with RBC’s…

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Neural Control and Coordination

Locomotion and Movement

Excretory Products and their Elimination

Body Fluids and Circulation

Chemical Coordination and Intergration

Animal Kingdom

Classification Of Animals Animals are classified on the basis of the following fundamental features : 1. Level of Organization 2. Body symmetry 3. Ci…

Animal Kingdom

Habitats of Animal Depending on their place of living, animals are classified into two groups: 1. Aquatic animals and 2. Terrestrial animals. Aquatic…
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