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The Living World short notes for last minute revision

Quick last-minute revision notes for 'The Living World' exam preparation Concise, comprehensive, and efficient.
The Living World short notes for last minute revision

Important Points To Remebers

  • Life is defined as a unique complex organisation of molecules, which expresses itself by way of chemical reactions leading to growth, development, responsiveness, adaptation and reproduction.
  • Growth is an important characteristic of all organisms; it is defined as the irreversible increase in the mass and or volume or size of an organism or its parts.
  • The sum total of all the chemical reaction that takes place in a living cell / organisms, constitute its metabolism; the synthetic activities make up anabolism while the breakdown activities constitute catabolism.
  • Reproduction is the process in which the living organisms produce yound ones (Progeny) of their own kind.
  • Adaptation refers to any structural, physiological or behavioural characteristic of an organism, that enables the successful survival and reproduction of the organism in the given habitat.
  • Homeostasis is the phenomenon of maintaining a steady internal environment by living organisms.
  • Antagonism is the phenomemenon is which two reactions or movements of body parts occur in opposite directions.
  • Death is a biological event that occurs with permanent breakdown of vital function of the body,  mostly due to lack of oxygen.
  • A biological system is said to be open, when it exchange matter and energy with its surroundings / environment.
  • Systematics can be defined as the study of diversity of organisms and all their comparative and evolutionary relationships.
  • Classification is that part of systematics, which groups the organisms on the basis of their relationships.
  • Identification means assigning of organisms to a particular taxonomic group.
  • Nomenclature refers to the assigning of names to organisms.
  • Polynomial nomenclature refers to the system of naming an organism with a string of Latin words.
  • Binomial nomenclature is the system of naming an organism with two parts in the scientific name.
  • When three words are used in the scientific name of an organism, it is called Trinomial nomenclature.
  • Taxonomy is defined as the study of principles and procedures of classification.
  • Taxonomic hierarchy is the framework in which the taxonomic groups (called Taxa) are arranged is a definite order from higher to lower categories.
  • A species can be defined as a group of individuals that have similar morphological characters and are able to interbreed among themselves in nature to produce fertile offsprings of their own kind.
  • All those collections of actual live specimens or preserved specimens which help in the identification or verification of a species, are called taxonomic aids.
  • Herbaria, botanical gardens, zoological parks, museums, monographs, flora, manuals, etc., are some taxonomic aids.
  • A key is an analytical scheme for identification of organisms, based on their similar and dissimilar features.

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