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The Last Lesson Memory Pocket

Main Points 1. Franz's Worry Late for school Participles not prepared 2. Rust at the bulletin board 3. Atmosphere in classroom All classmates alr…

Chapter 1 Sets Exercise 1.1 Solutions

Exercise 1.2 Question 1. Which of the following are the example of the null set. (I) Set of odd natural numbers divisible by 2. (II) Set of even prim…

The Living World short notes for last minute revision

Important Points To Remebers Life is defined as a unique complex organisation of molecules, which expresses itself by way of chemical reactions leadi…

Chapter 1 : Sets Exercise 1.1 solutions

Exercise: 1.1 Question1. Which of the following are sets? Justify your answer. (i) The collection of all the months of the year beginning with the le…

Taxonomic Aids - The Living World

Taxonomic Aids All those collections of actual live specimens or preserved specimens, which help in the identification or verification of a species,…

Python Program to Check Entered Number is Neon or not.

What are Neon Numbers? A neon number is a type of number where the sum of the digits of its square is equal to the original number.  The correct def…

Python program to print 20 terms of Fibonacci series.

Lang : Python ''' 0 1 1 2 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1…

Top 15 Python Questions for Class 11

Question.1 Write a Python program to print the following star pattern: ''…

Ionic Equilibrium Practice Problem solutions

Question.1 Write conjugate acid and base of the following : a) NH₃ b) HCO₃⁻ c) NH₂⁻ d) HPO₄²⁻ e) H₂O f) HSO₄⁻ g) OH⁻ f) H₂PO₄⁻ Solution a. NH₃ (Ammon…

The Living World Part II

Systematics The word systematics is derived from the Latin word ' Systema ', meaning order or sequence.  It is the branch of science that dea…

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